Full Spectrum, 2022-2023
by Drew Michael
This mural was created to bring color to the beige city of Anchorage. The image is based on a contemporary Yup’ik mask titled Full Spectrum.
Artist Statement: Since I make masks full-time, I felt it was important to showcase the transformational aspect of masks while visually changing the space in downtown Anchorage. The colors in the mask share the full spectrum of light broken up and scattered across the face. Just like the variety of colors in the mural and mask, our community is made up of so many types of people from many different places and backgrounds. Our strength is in the diversity found within our community. We shine brighter when our people stand together.
Part of an Anchorage downtown mural project coordinated by the Anchorage Museum. Support provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, CIRI, and The Kobuk.